My name is Yonit Riss. I have a B.Sc degree in Mathematics and Computer Science and a master degree of Mathematics from Ben Gurion University, Israel. In recent years I have taught various calculus courses at Ben Gurion University and was selected as an outstanding secondary math teacher.
Unfortunately, I met a lot of frustrated students that were struggling with the material load in the course and were disappointed with the few practice hours. This site offers you 100% free additional practice that is available for you at any time and from anywhere.
I invest a lot of time and energy in every solution to make sure it is in high quality, comprehensive and detailed so that it is as understandable and helpful for you as possible. If a solution is not understood and you are left with questions, you can write me a comment below the relevant post and I’ll be happy to help!
In order to make sure you learn only the material that is relevant to you and in order to make sure you do not waste any of your time – I ordered the topics on the site according to the courses taught at universities and colleges. Every topic is titled clearly, so you will know exactly which exercises and solutions it includes.
I recommend studying according to the topics listed on your syllabus course and not by the order of the topics on the site. Also, each exercise has a long and clear title, which includes: its topic, detailed information about the specific exercise, and a unique number for quick and easy future reference – all to make sure you learn only the material that is relevant to you. In addition, the final answer in shown before the solution in a hidden tub. I recommend trying to solve the exercise by yourself at first, check your answer, and look at the solution only afterwords.
Finally, the idea of the site came up after many students complained to me that they couldn’t find free quality material online and that they had no money to pay for websites that offer paid help. I spend a lot of time and energy in writing understandable and clear solutions as much as possible. Also, I make sure to upload a wide range of questions from all levels of difficulty.
The advertisements on the site and your donations help me continue to write and upload more solutions to the site that will help you succeed in the exam.
So if I helped you understand the material, you can buy me a cup of coffee here, which will give me a boost of energy when writing the next solution 🙂
Good luck!